Package-level declarations
Superclass for Ktor applications that use Tegral Web Application.
Application settings for the Ktor application. Identical to the parameters of the embeddedServer function from Ktor.
Identical to KtorModule, but allows you to directly add routes, as if calling routing
in a KtorModule.
The Ktor extension object that is injected into the meta-environment. Keeps track of implementations of KtorModule subclasses (incl. KtorController subclasses) within the main environment.
A Ktor module that will be automatically installed to a corresponding KtorApplication with a matching app name.
Feature object for Tegral Web Controllers.
Utility functions that filters declarations to only those that are subclasses of KtorModule, and returns a properly typed list for them.
Retrieves all implementations of KtorModule subclasses in the given environment, sorted by decreasing priority.