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Ktor plugins

Tegral OpenAPI provides two plugins for Ktor:

  • A plugin for describing endpoints and serving OpenAPI JSON and YAML files.
    • If you are using Ktor's Resources plugin, those descriptions may be part of each resource class.
  • A plugin for serving Swagger UI from your Ktor application.


This plugin lets you add OpenAPI to your Ktor application, describe endpoints and serve OpenAPI JSON and YAML files.

TegralOpenApiKtor installation

You can install the TegralOpenApiKtor plugin using the regular install syntax:


Describing the application

You can provide more information about your application by providing a configuration block when installing the plugin. In this configuration block, you have access to RootDsl and can use all of its features.

Here's an example of setting a title, description and version:

install(TegralOpenApiKtor) {
title = "My API"
description = "This is my API"
version = "1.2.3"

You can also call describe on the application directly to further configure the application:

decribe {
termsOfService = ""

Describing endpoints

You can describe endpoints using the describe function right after it:

routing {
get("/hello") {
call.respondText("HEllo World!")
} describe {
description = "Returns a greeting"
200 response {
description = "A greeting"
plainText { schema("Hello World!") }

You get access to everything in OperationDsl.

Describe subroutes

It may happen that some DSL is repeated for many endpoints, for example if you want to add a tag to all of the subroutes of a route. You can do this more easily by calling describeSubroutes:

routing {
route("/numbers") {
describeSubroutes {
// OperationDsl available here
// This block will be applied to all subsequent described endpoints in this route
tags += "counting"

get("/one") {
// ...
} describe {
// ...

get("/two") {
// ...
} describe {
// ...

Serving the OpenAPI file

You can setup an OpenAPI endpoint using the openApiEndpoint(...) function, passing the path from which the OpenAPI file will be served:

routing {
get("/hello") {
// ...
} describe {
// ...


This endpoint has a few available options:

  • The format of the output can be specified via the format parameter.
    • json will output the OpenAPI JSON file (default).
    • yaml will output the OpenAPI YAML file.
  • The version of the OpenAPI specification can be specified via the version parameter.
    • 3.0 will output a 3.0 specification (default).
    • 3.1 will output a 3.1 specification.

For example, calling /openapi?format=yaml&version=3.0 would output the 3.0 OpenAPI specification using YAML.

Retrieving the OpenApi object

You can also retrieve the OpenApi object programmatically by retrieving the OpenAPI plugin object and calling buildOpenApiDocument() on it. For example, here's an endpoint that responds with the title of the OpenAPI document:

routing {
get("/title") {
val openapi = application.openApi.buildOpenApiDocument()

Integration with Resources

The tegral-openapi-ktor-resources package supplements TegralOpenApiKtor with support for Ktor's @Resource annotation. In this case the description isn't part of the routing block, but appears in the companion object of the class annotated with @Resource. This object must extend OpenApiDescription, which can be done in two ways:

  • Delegating by the describeResource function:
class Hello(val name: String) {
companion object : OpenApiDescription by describeResource({
description = "Returns a greeting"
  • Manually implement the openApi property:
class Hello(val name: String) {
companion object : OpenApiDescription {
override val openApi: OperationDsl.() -> Unit = {
description = "Returns a greeting"

Due to limitations in the type system, openApi is defined as a field with a functional type instead of a proper function. The only consequence, in practical terms, is that you need an equals sign after the name of the field.

In your routing block, use the variants finished in D (from description) instead of the ones provided by the Resources plug-in. These variants use the openApi from the route companion object as description for the endpoint.

routing {
getD<Hello> { request ->
call.respondText("Hello, ${}!")


The TegralSwaggerUiKtor plugin allows you to serve Swagger UI right from your Ktor application.

The Swagger UI plugin is independent from the OpenAPI plugin. In case you are retrieving an OpenAPI document from somewhere else, you can just use the Swagger UI plugin.

TegralSwaggerUiKtor installation

First, install the plugin:


Then, set up the Swagger UI endpoint within your routing block:

routing {
swaggerUiEndpoint(path = "/swagger", openApiPath = "/openapi")

The first parameter is the path from which you wish to serve Swagger UI. The second parameter is the path from which the OpenAPI document will be loaded.


Due to limitations in Ktor, you must call swaggerUiEndopint from the root of the routing block. Nesting it in another route will lead to faulty redirections.