This is the root DSL object for the Tegral OpenAPI DSL.
As such, it contains many of the required properties for the OpenAPI object, including:
Info (embedded)
Tags (embedded)
Paths (embedded)
External documentation (description and url)
(Items marked as embedded are separate DSL interfaces that are available in RootDsl and can be used directly).
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "DELETE" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "GET" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "HEAD" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "OPTIONS" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "PATCH" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "POST" operation on it.
Adds a path with the given string and creates a "PUT" operation on it.
Adds a security scheme to this OpenAPI document with the given string as the name, using the lambda to configure further options.